Professional experience

COMSOL Multiphysics GmbH

Göttingen, Germany

Technical Sales Engineer

Jul. 2023 - today

  • Technical sales of the simulation software COMSOL Multiphysics®
  • Customer service and consultation: Application of modeling and simulation in research and development
  • Lectures and workshops on the topics of multiphysics simulation, COMSOL, and FEM


Göttingen, Germany

Research Assistant with Dr. Christian Tetzlaff

Sept. 2018 - Aug. 2022

  • Formulation of mathematical models and their numerical implementation in the areas of protein transport, signal transduction, synaptic plasticity, biological neural networks
  • Development of a software framework for simulating particle-based reaction-diffusion systems in complex, three-dimensional environments
  • Coordination and communication with project partners
  • Organization of seminars and group meetings
  • Supervision of students


Studienseminar Salzgitter

Salzgitter, Germany

Teacher training program (Referendariat) - Highschool

Aug. 2022 - 31. März. 2023

  • Subjects: Mathematics, Physics


Göttingen, Germany

M.S., Physics

Apr. 2015 - Jul. 2018

  • Thesis title: "The influence of different mechanisms on the self-organized consolidation of memory representations in spiking neural networks"
  • Major fields of study: Biophysics and physics of complex systems

Technical University of Ilmenau

Ilmenau, Germany

B.S., Technical Physics

Oct. 2011 - Mar. 2015

  • Thesis title: "Determination of the state of hydrogen gas in a light-gas accelerator"

Skill Comment Level
Computational neuroscience (biophysics and complex systems) Master's program: Introduction to physics of complex systems, network science, introduction to theoretical neuroscience, biophysics of the cell, principles of theoretical neuroscience, information processing and criticality in neural networks

Master thesis: "The influence of different mechanisms on the self-organized consolidation of memory representations in spiking neural networks"
  • Implementation and analysis of spiking neural networks (SNN) and various models of synaptic plasticity
  • Exploration of the influence of different plasticity mechanisms and neural signal integration on the consolidation of learned structures in SNN
  • Theoretical analysis of the response function of simple neuron models (LIF) for calculating synaptic plasticity in STDP models (Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity)
Science and research:
  • Mathematical modeling in the areas of protein transport, synaptic plasticity, and signal transduction
  • Implementation and analysis of stochastic simulations (lattice models) to investigate the cooperative binding of receptors in synaptic nanodomains
  • Development of a software framework for simulating particle-based reaction-diffusion systems in complex, three-dimensional environments, considering intermolecular interactions and molecular topologies.
Theoretical physics Bachelor's program: Analytical mechanics, quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, thermodynamics and statistics Basic knowledge
Experimental physics Bachelor's program: Mechanics and thermodynamics, oscillations, waves and fields, electricity and optics, atoms, nuclei, particles Basic knowledge
Applied and technical physics Bachelor's program: Solid state physics, semiconductors, techniques of surface physics, molecular physics and spectroscopy, polymer physics, biophysics, experimental methods in physics

Master's degree: Information and physics: classical and quantum aspects (quantum information theory, quantum computing)

Bachelor thesis: "Determination of the state of hydrogen gas in a light-gas accelerator"
  • Determination of various thermodynamic quantities of hydrogen in a light gas accelerator by experimental measurement (pressure and density) and modeling
  • Planning and implementation (construction) of an optical method (Michelson interferometer) to determine the density of hydrogen through its refractive index
  • Analysis of the equation of state of highly compressed hydrogen gas (P>10,000 bar) for the calculation of additional thermodynamic quantities from pressure and density
Basic knowledge
Engineering Bachelor's program: Technical mechanics, fluid mechanics, microtechnology, electronics, general electrical engineering

Master's program: Electronic lab course for natural scientists
Basic knowledge
Mathematics Bachelor's program: Analysis and linear algebra, differential equations and Fourier transformation, complex analysis, algorithms, special functions
Master's program: Network science (graph theory), introduction to physics of complex systems (nonlinear dynamics, chaos)
Basic knowledge
Python Daily use for several years as a research associate at the University of Göttingen, development of the simulation tool PyRID (Simulation of reaction-diffusion systems of interacting molecules)
Libraries: Numpy, Numba, Scipy, Matplotlib and others
Extensive knowledge
HTML, CSS, Latex Regular use in work related (LaTex) and personal projects Good knowledge
C++, Javascript, bash Occasional use, mainly in personal projects Basic knowledge
German Native
English Years of work in an international team at the University of Göttingen, writing scientific papers Fluent

Practical experience

Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization

Göttingen, Germany

Student Assistant with Dr. Viola Priesemann

Jul.2015 - Dec.2016

  • Characterization of the spreading dynamics of neuronal activity in networks with non-stationary input
  • Investigation of the information processing capacity and criticality of neuronal networks
  • Statistical data analysis of spike train data


Göttingen, Germany

Student Assistant at Göttingen State and University Library (SUB) - Multimedia Production Department

May.2015 - Nov.2016

  • Design and implementation of virtual studio environments
  • Software integration of automated production workflows in a video mixer
  • Creation of video tutorials

Fraunhofer Institute for Short-Term Dynamics

Freiburg, Germany

Research Intern

Apr. 2014 - Aug. 2014

  • Examined measurement methods to determine density changes on microsecond time-scale of highly compressed hydrogen gas in light-gas accelerators

Teaching Experience


Göttingen, Germany

Teaching assistant

Aug.2020 - Aug.2021

  • Course: "Seminar on physics for medical students"


Göttingen, Germany

Teaching assistant

Apr.2019 - Sept.2019

  • Course: "Learning Reading Data"; Data Literacy, Python


  • IT: Extensive knowledge in Python; good knowledge in HTML, CSS, and LaTex; basic knowledge in C++, JavaScript, Mathematica, and bash
  • Modeling and mathematical methods: Dynamical Systems, Reaction-Diffusion Models, Biological Neural Networks, Computational Geometry, Data Analysis
  • Languages: German: Native language, English: Fluent


  • Swimming (German Life Saving Association (DLRG))
  • Music (guitar) and sound recording
  • Photography
  • Computer graphics, simulation and 3d modeling
